With the gradual easing of lockdown, there’s a definite spring in our step at team Studio Mix. Having listened to the needs of businesses across different industry sectors, there is a common theme emerging; the flexible approach to working from home will continue for some time, with an increase in some days spent in physical office space. But some crucial business needs are slipping – particularly in communications. How would you prefer your team to operate? And could a long-term shift towards a more blended working approach create some gaps in your wider business communications that we can help fill?

We contacted Daniel Slade, Director of management and performance training company, Corethentic, who believes a blended approach is the way forward to optimise team productivity. “Teams need to feel trusted and supported from afar to deliver their key objectives from a remote setting. There’s a greater need for leaders to be more focused than ever on team performance and training needs. To fulfil this crucial element of a business, now’s the time to look at ways of out-sourcing services who can take care of dedicated projects that leaders no longer have enough time to manage. This could be copywriting experts who can focus on producing high-quality business reports, blog posts or newsletters, or seek expertise to refresh your online presence. Increasingly, there are more pressing matters that employers are focusing on to ensure high performance and motivation across remote-working teams, and it’s easy to allow your own business communications to be overlooked when now’s the time to drive your brand’s presence forward.”

How can we help?

Feeling the strain of strategic planning or handling urgent enquiries? That’s where we can step in so you can stay focused while we handle your business or consumer communications needs. Whether it’s newsletter writing, preparing blog posts, re-designing your website or giving your brand a much-needed refresh, Studio Mix will lighten your load with a team of experts on hand to deliver your goals.

Case Study – Web Design and Copywriting

Lynn Joyner, a fitness instructor with a successful business near Bristol, needed communications support. She had built her own website to promote the range of fitness classes on offer and engage with her community, yet over time she felt her site was becoming cluttered.

“With lockdown restrictions changing the world of fitness classes, I was in great need of communicating these important changes to my client-base while also trying to attract new customers. My time was being squeezed while navigating my way around Zoom classes and social media updates, and very quickly I could see my website suffering.

I didn’t quite know how to redesign the site myself without it taking up all my time. It had to look professional, concise and reflect my personality. Not just the design, but the copy needed a whole refresh to help my business stand out in the competitive world of fitness instructors all trying to diversify in the pandemic. I turned to Studio Mix who immediately understood my objectives and created a proposal of ideas to improve SEO. My website was redesigned, the copy was polished to engage with my clients, and the whole process took a huge weight off my mind. We may be living in a more restricted, remote world, but with a strong website and the right experts behind the scenes to help with my business communications, my brand is far-reaching and stronger than ever.”

Ready to take action so we can help lighten your load? Contact hello@studiomix.co.uk.