Finding the perfect font to elevate a new design needs careful consideration and can often take days to perfect. Why is it so important to choose the right typeface? It all comes down to readability, accessibility and how well balanced the text is with the overall graphics. Here are our top tips for selecting the best font for your design:
Think brand
Your brand says everything about your business, and the font you choose should capture the character and energy of your brand. What you say is important, but how you present what you say makes a huge impact and will determine how well your audience will engage with your message. Think about your brand and select a typeface that best matches it.
Is it legible?
There’s no doubt about it; your customers will understand your message faster if it’s presented with clarity and legibility. If they have to work hard to decipher what your text actually says, you’ve lost them within the first few words and your design will be deemed a flop from the get-go.
To avoid strain on your audience’s eyes, steer clear of fancy fonts or uppercase text in large quantities. Decorative typefaces are best reserved for titles and headlines that require less reading. When it comes to size, check that your chosen font works well in every size and remains legible on smaller screens. The Vivaldi typeface, which is presented in a cursive script, is particularly challenging to read when reduced in size.
Sans or Serif?
That is the question, depending on your audience. Sans (Arial, Verdana) works well for a younger audience or those who need absolute clarity from the text they’re absorbing, while Serif (Times New Roman, Lucida) is considered easier for the eye to read when presenting lengthy copy.
Less is more
Simplicity is the key when it comes to selecting the number of fonts for a design. Choose too many and your brand runs the risk of creating a cluttered design that confuses your customers. Aim for two or three different fonts and when you think you need an additional font in your design, try changing the size of an existing typeface instead. Remember, fonts need to work in harmony together rather than compete for attention.
Fonts, colours, shapes, textures, images, content and space – each of these elements needs to work harmoniously to bring together a successful design in line with your brand. Our team of creative experts would love to listen to your design needs and deliver creative solutions to help you tell your story to the right audience. Let’s get started…